POSTGEN hiring! One post-doctoral position open at the University of Milan

A call is open from December 22, 2022 to February 6, 2023 (23:59 CET) for one twenty-month post-doctoral positions at the POSTGEN unit at the University of Milan (see the POSTGEN project description and the people involved in the project):

Profile description:

The selected postdoctoral researcher will be in charge for specific task related to the “School” project workpackage dedicated to the administration of a questionnaire high school students, to its analysis and to dissemination of the results to schools that participated at the study

The ideal candidates has:

◾ a background in empirical social research with quantitative and qualitative approach;

◾ interest and/or experience in educational research/youth studies;

◾ previous experience in analyzing quantitative and/or qualitative data in one or more of the topics covered by the researched (youth and voting behavior, values and attitudes, political generations, political socialization, etc.);

◾ participation to projects with mixed method research design;

◾ some record of scientific publications;

◾ English and Italian language skills;

The selected researcher will actively cooperate with the project team, and will be offered the possibility of a fully-fledged research experience within the POSTGEN project, including full participation to research activities and to the dissemination of the project, ranging from participation to international conferences to significant opportunities for scientific publications on international journals.

The “In-Depth Interviews” POSTGEN Component

A dedicated “In-Depth Interviews” POSTGEN work package will produce in-depth interviews with young people to explore the meanings they attribute to their political reference points (in particular left and right, progressive and conservative).

An innovative trait of the WP will be in tracing back young people’s beliefs to their political biography, with special attention to political socialization (Zuckerman/Dasovic/Fitzgerald 2007). This requires participants to have had the possibility of acquiring some political experience, resulting in a target population between 25 and 35.

The WP will use semi-structured interviews, combining a predetermined set of open questions with a focus on specific themes.

A tentative list of topics ranges from political socialization to participative profile (in formal and non-formal political environments), electoral career (party choice and non-voting motivations), structure of political attitudes, conceptualization of the political space, meanings and relevance of ideological references, representation of political and social conflicts, perception of adult society, generational relationships and prevailing rhetoric on young people’s role in the public domain.

see all posts in the In-Depth Interviews category